Large-Scale Analysis of the Diversity and Complexity of the Adult Spinal Cord Neurotransmitter Typology

neurotransmitter co-expression is much more extensive than previously assumed, suggesting that spinal networks are more complex than first recognized.

These studies shed new light on the diverse and complex functions of this important interneuron class in the neuronal interplay governing the precise operation of the central pattern generators.

Neuronal networks in the spinal cord are able and sufficient to generate and control movements and receive and process sensory information

Their functionality depends on the correct specification of different classes of neurons during development, which allows them to establish precise connections. Spinal neurons derive from specific progenitor pools in the spinal cord and express precisely a combination of transcription factors

Neuronal communication involves the release and uptake of specific neurotransmitters, endogenous chemical messengers used in intercellular signaling across synapses.

Neurons can be classified as excitatory, inhibitory, or modulatory based on their neurotransmitter phenotypes. Therefore, the adoption of a specific neurotransmitter system by a given neuron type defines its identity.

Our results reveal a previously unsuspected co-expression of different neurotransmitters in spinal cord neurons

these multi-phenotype neurons are far more numerous and widely distributed in the spinal cord than previously assumed.

The comprehensive neurotransmitter typology atlas presented here reveals an unforeseen diversity, complexity, and dynamics in the principles that govern the structural organization of the adult zebrafish spinal cord

Signal transmission in neuronal networks involves the release of neurotransmitters that bind specifically to membrane receptors on target neurons to mediate basic and complex biological functions.

it is essential to understand the genetic programs that specify an individual neuron’s type and transmitter expression.


neuronal populations in vertebrate and invertebrate nervous systems use multiple transmitter systems simultaneously.

the prevalence and physiological roles of co-transmission remain poorly understood, as is the synaptic circuitry involved.

additional neurotransmitters mediate the neuronal interplay needed for the precise operation of the central pattern generators

our study may be considered conservative and underestimate the full neurotransmitter complexity that exists in the vertebrate spinal neurons.