The second biennial meeting of the Pan‐American Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology.


The second biennial meeting of the Pan‐American Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology.

Callier, Viviane. (2018).  Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution. 330. 10.1002/jez.b.22804.

Evo-devo is concerned with understanding how phenotypes develop and evolve, how organismal diversity is generated and maintained, and how evolutionary innovations originate. The second Pan‐American Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology (PASEDB) meeting in Calgary, Canada, showcased a great variety of species and study systems, and a variety of approaches to address these questions. Although there were, like at the first PASEDB meeting, many developmental genetic and genomic studies, much of the work moved beyond comparative developmental genetics toward more integrative studies that seek explanations at different levels of the organismal hierarchy.

Meeting info